Sydney, along with New South Wales and Melbourne, has recently embarked on “re-opening” after several months in a covid-induced lockdown. At this time, it seems fitting to reflect on the much-loved, famous Lebanese traditional dance which is an essential component in many happy gatherings and celebrations.
The Museum of Beirut is a must see for anyone going to Lebanon. It contains over one thousand objects, all of which have been found only in Lebanon. In this article, WLCU President Dr Shane Geha explores one very amazing object in the Museum, which is an elaborate mosaic dating back to the 2nd Century AD: The Mosaic of the Seven Wise Men (Asshaa Al Hukamaa).
On 18 and 19 August 2022, the World Lebanese Cultural Union held its first World Economic Congress for Lebanon, a forum attended by various Lebanese representatives and dignitaries from across the world with the aim of discussing possible solutions to aid our beloved Lebanon. The Youth Council Report has been prepared by WLCU World Youth President, Christina Salamy, as a participant of this forum, on the status of Lebanon, and as well, any advancements that might have come about pertaining to the WLCU Youth.
On Friday 23 September 2022, the WLCU Youth hosted its first joint Harbour Cruise Event with YALA (Young Adult Lebanese Association). The Event was designed to encourage the younger generation of WLCU members and friends to network and enjoy our beautiful city. The success of the Youth Harbour Cruise helps to reinforce in all those who attended that the future burns brightly with promise and potential for our youth.
The evening of 25 June 2022 saw guests at Doltone House Sydney transported to another era at WLCU Sydney’s Inaugural Rome Comes to Lebanon Event. The Night commemorated over 700 years of Roman rule in Lebanon, a period which saw six Emperors come from our great Lebanon. In doing so, we celebrated the Roman and Lebanese cultures and the way they have evolved together.
In preparation for the resumption of the World Cup, Coach Michael Cheika gathered his team on Sunday 6th February in Sydney, to re-start their campaign for victory in late 2022. WLCU President, Dr Shane Geha, was invited to attend the lunch and help inspire the players for their campaign.
Mr Cedric Barakat is the wonderful Youth President for WLCU Sydney. In this article, Cedric provides a personal account of his connection with Lebanon, as well as his interests and aspirations for the future.
Sydney, along with New South Wales and Melbourne, has recently embarked on “re-opening” after several months in a covid-induced lockdown. At this time, it seems fitting to reflect on the much-loved, famous Lebanese traditional dance which is an essential component in many happy gatherings and celebrations.
Sydney, along with New South Wales and Melbourne, has recently embarked on “re-opening” after several months in a covid-induced lockdown. At this time, it seems fitting to reflect on the much-loved, famous Lebanese traditional dance which is an essential component in many happy gatherings and celebrations.