
World Lebanese Cultural Union
of Sydney Incorporated

INGO Associated with the DPI-UN
Accredited with ECOSOC

President’s insights into the Museum of Beirut

By Dr Shane Geha, WLCU Sydney President

The Museum of Beirut is a must see for anyone going to Lebanon.  It contains over one thousand objects, all of which have been found only in Lebanon…there are no objects in the museum from anywhere else in the world.   This is a richness that is hard to find.

One very amazing object in the Museum, is an elaborate mosaic dating back to the 2nd Century AD.  The Mosaic of the Seven Wise Men (Asshaa Al Hukamaa).

The mosaic is Roman and was retrieved from Ras El Ein near Baalbek. It depicts the 4 seasons of the Earth.

The amazing depictions surrounding the centrepiece are all accompanied by quotes in Ancient Greek of proverbs by the wise men:

  1. Solon of Athens (440 BC) – “Nothing is Too Much”
  2. Thales of Miletus (625 BC) – “Do not aim always for Caution”.
  3. Bias of Priene – “Most men are poorly intentioned”.
  4. Cleobulus of Lindros – “Moderation brings the Greatest Good”.
  5. Periander of Corinth – “Caution in All Matters”.
  6. Pittacus of Lesbos – “Recognise Great Opportunities”.
  7. Chilon of Sparta – “One must never aim for the Impossible”.

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