Food Hampers Reaches Recipients in Beirut
We’d like congratulate you all because your great aid efforts have reached the intended recipients: the poor and needy of Beirut. It is truly touching to experience the reaction to our actions on the ground after the devastation that had befallen one of the world’s most beautiful cities and the adversity that had besieged its denizens.
We are receiving letters of thanks from charities and individuals alike, as the WLCU NSW food hampers reach those unfortunate enough to have lost property and family after the latest devasting blast. So we know that our intentions of helping those less fortunate than us, have now been realised.
Operationally, with the help of George Geha and Carla Chagouri on the ground, we have been able to make a list of both individuals and organisations, most in need. We packaged the food in Lebanon and it has all been distributed to each accordingly. That is 480 food hampers to feed some 480 families for a month each, packaged and delivered. And the reaction has been truly touching.
The WLCU NSW committee shall look forward with your love and help, to continue to assist. We are currently, with a part of the remaining funds, buying flour and sugar and zaatar and donating it bakeries that are baking bread and manoosh and giving it to the poor for free.
Given that the food situation is receiving a lot of international attention and assistance in the coming months, perhaps we could, with your permission, ask a lead Doctor about a type of medicine that might be in great shortage, say Penecilin. We may then purchase this here in quantity, subject to all the rules permitting this, and despatch it on a DHL flight for immediate delivery.
It has been a wonderful and magnanimous effort to do what we did in only five weeks and we can do a little more still.